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If you’ve ever been to New York City, there’s no doubt you’ve seen the Empire State Building. But what you didn’t see is a massive ocean of energy buried thousands of feet beneath America’s most iconic skyscraper.

The company is running on the fumes of innovation, with many of its … Source: Shutterstock Paul Mampilly, my colleague over at Banyan Hill, has a very dire prediction for aapl stock. ““Apple is doom…

Paul Mampilly: "Now is the perfect time to start buying stocks"Read full article… Read full article… Subject to an entire array of occult myths, the stock market is, in fact, the platform through which companies raise money. After an IPO – initial public offe…

american musicians were once integral to political activism. The 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom is recognised as a seminal moment in American history and a triumph for nonviolent resist…

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